International Specialist Meeting
"Electromagnetic Waves and Wind Turbines 2018"

Delft, the Netherlands, 06-07 December 2018

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the third International Specialist Meeting "Electromagnetic Waves and Wind Turbines 2018" that will take place in Delft on December 6-7 this year.

The first EMWT specialist meeting took place in Fraunhofer FHR, Germany in December 2016 (Meeting report in IEEE AP Magazine) and the second - in the PTB Braunschweig, Germany in December 2017.

Each of these two-days meetings comprising oral sessions, discussions and networking attracted about 100 scientists, researchers and engineers who are interested in study of interactions electromagnetic waves with wind turbines within different frequency bands and applications like surveillance, ATC and weather radar, communications and navigation.

This year in Delft in addition to novel research activities and results in WT observations with radar we organize an additional special session to discuss another important application related to electromagnetic waves interaction with rotated objects - novel observations, analysis and usage of drones micro-Doppler patterns for their detection and recognition.

Registration open!!!

Final Program

Important days:

  • October 21th, 2018 - Deadline for submission of a short abstract (names of authors, affiliation, name of presenter, about 200 words abstract) for presentations to be included into the program - should be sent to The MS3 info email address.
  • October 31th, 2018 - Notification about presentation acceptance
  • November 15th, 2018 - Deadline for the registration of participation

Click on image to download the flyer...

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Location and travel information

How to get to TU Delft