Education at the MS3 Group
The Microwave Sensing, Signals and Systems (MS3) group focuses on education on physical and signal-processing foundations of wireless systems by exploiting electromagnetic waves in a number of societal important applications such as autonomous driving, safety, and security and next-generation wireless telecommunication systems. Education covers electromagnetic wave propagation and scattering, basic principles of electromagnetic sensors for near-, intermediate- and far-field sensing, as well as algorithms and methods that enable detection and parameter estimation of objects from measured electromagnetic fields. Special attention is given to such areas as antenna systems and wireless front-ends (phased array radar and 5G and beyond phased arrays and ultra-wideband antennas), waveform agility (adaptive selection of efficient sensing waveforms), signal processing algorithms for radar imaging, advanced detection, classification and tracking of different objects.
The supported societal applications include autonomous driving and traffic control, Earth surface and atmosphere monitoring, weather nowcasting, medical imaging, and public security.
The given by the group courses typically include practicum and laboratory assignments that use state-of-the-art equipment and help develop practical skills with microwave measurements and microwave system operation.
The Master thesis provided by the section bring students to the cutting edge of technology, support development of analytical skills and prepare students to research and development work in a wide range of microwave systems starting from phased array front-ends and distributed MIMO radar systems up to the automotive radar and microwave vision systems. More than 50% of student thesis result in scientific publication in the top journals or conferences in the field.
The absolute majority of the graduates find their first job within a couple of months. About half of our graduates in the last 5 years are employed in global companies such as Thales, Hensoldt, NXP, Signify, Ericson, Visteon, MathWorks, Keysight Technologies, and other giants. Another half is spread between R&D labs and engineering bureaus (TNO, IMEC, Altran, Arcadis, Ceranext) and medium-size radar companies (SmartMicro, Ibeo Automotive, etc). And some decided to continue with exciting Ph.D. projects within our research group.
List of courses
Courses which the MS3 group teaches
Topics for Master Internship/Extra projects
Constantly updated list of Master Internship projects
Topics for MSc thesis projects
Constantly updated list of MSc thesis projects
MSc tracks in which the MS3 group participates
MSc Wireless Communication and Sensing
The MSc track on Wireless Communication and Sensing is part of the MSc in Electrical Engineering. About 20-25 students enter the two-year program annually, about half of them are international students.
MSc Signals and Systems
The programme track Signals and Systems covers the broad field of signal processing and system design. About 35-40 students enter the two-year program annually, about half of them are international students.